My wife and I have a ritual that we follow every Saturday morning: one of us goes to town and purchases coffee, McMuffins, and The Globe and Mail. The fetcher also picks up the Toronto Star at the end of our driveway. We then enjoy the morning immersed in the news, sports, crosswords, Kenken, and Sudoku. This past Saturday it was my turn to do the procuring. You can imagine my consternation when I arrived home with two copies of the Toronto Star and no Globe and Mail!
“Am I losing my mind?" ¨Is Alzheimer's rearing its head?¨
I comforted myself by thinking that I could have done this when I was in my thirties. Could have, but not very likely. I gave the extra copy to my neighbour and returned to town to purchase the Globe. This time, I completed the task successfully!
I saw a cartoon recently that said: “As I grow older my mind doesn´t just wander, sometimes it completely buggers off.” This describes me to a T. I doubt that I will make this mistake again, but I know I will continue to walk into a room and not know why I am there. Usually, a bit of concentration will help me recall my quest.
As my departed mother used to say: “Growing old is hell! However, the alternative is even less attractive!”